Friday, December 30, 2005


Londoners New Year Dilemma

Finally 05 is over and 06 is here. But before we get into the eupohria or the doomsday (depending on which camp you belong), I still have to figure out what to do on New Years Eve. Choices during bachelor days were much simpler.. Liquid Elixer solves or drowns everything. But what do married blokes do. Also having just moved to London this year, I am still grappling with this thought. I am being told 'watching fireworks at Big Ben' is what everyone does... Any thoughts anyone? I am sure all 30'ers expats are in the same boat worldwide.. 24 hours to go, and counting

...and to be in Las Vegas or Time Square on New Year's Eve (at least once in your lifetime) is every American's dream.

I was in Vegas for the last one. There I was in the crowd watching the glitzy fireworks after the countdown, when one of the apparent skeptic in the throng heckled in shocked (or was it mocked ?) disbelief - "I paid $90 to watch this shit!!".That did sober me a bit.

Considering that almost every culture welcomed the New Year, a bit of reveling should not prick your conscience. A nice romantic dinner prior to the bash should set the mood for lovers...but don't quote me on that one :)
Sometimes I wonder, the changing of the year does not have much significance. What is in a name? (or date for that matter) Some soul searching reveals that the only effect it has is I have keep telling myself to change the calendar and change 05 to 06 whenever I scribble the date. On the contrary, the financial year end is more important. This is where all my salary, tax, bonus etc change - my whole life changes for the next few months. In some countries, the financial year is the same as the calendar year - so it is worth celebrating, for others it is March. So do I postpone my New Year celebration?? While I ponder on this, you can check out whats happening in London on The good news is that atleast Londoners dont have to pay to see money go up in smoke
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